
Tlaib Protest

5 Lessons for the New Activist-Lawmaker Wave 5 Lessons for the New Activist-Lawmaker Wave

A veteran left state lawmaker reflects on lessons learned from over 30 years of battling corporate power.

Nov 8, 2018 / Paul G. Pinsky


Working People Won the Midwest for the Democrats Working People Won the Midwest for the Democrats

Now it’s up to the newly elected governors to fight for the overworked and underpaid constituents who voted them into office.

Nov 8, 2018 / Mary Kay Henry

Ocasio-Cortez and Pressley

A New Generation of Activists Is in the House A New Generation of Activists Is in the House

And they beat the GOP in the only truly national competition this fall.

Nov 7, 2018 / John Nichols

Demonstrators hold up protest signs in front of the United States Capitol

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You That Wasn’t A Blue Wave Don’t Let Anyone Tell You That Wasn’t A Blue Wave

If Democrats enjoyed the same structural advantages as Republicans, Tuesday’s vote would have been a tsunami.

Nov 7, 2018 / Joshua Holland

Sharice Davids victory

Last Night, the Feminist Insurgency Hit the Polls—and Now It’s Headed to Congress Last Night, the Feminist Insurgency Hit the Polls—and Now It’s Headed to Congress

Women candidates won big—and a larger proportion of women voters went more Democratic than in any midterms before.

Nov 7, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Ilhan Omar win

The 2018 Election: A Blue Wave With a Harsh Red Undertow The 2018 Election: A Blue Wave With a Harsh Red Undertow

The midterms revealed a country still divided, but a string of noteworthy progressive victories provides a road map for a more perfect union.

Nov 7, 2018 / Robert L. Borosage

Voters in Minneapolis, Minnesota-ap-img

Today Americans Determine Our Political Future Today Americans Determine Our Political Future

Five contests that could signal where we’re headed on climate change, criminal-justice reform, financial reform, net neutrality, and militarism.

Nov 6, 2018 / John Nichols

Early Voting Wisconsin

Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote

In addition to casting your own ballot, you can report voter intimidation and drive people to the polls.

Nov 6, 2018 / NationAction

High school students work the polls

How Progressives Can Make Change on Election Day—No Matter What Happens With Congress How Progressives Can Make Change on Election Day—No Matter What Happens With Congress

Thirteen ballot initiatives that could raise wages, ban fracking, protect immigrants, and house the homeless.

Nov 5, 2018 / Simon Davis-Cohen

Ayanna Pressley Supporters

The Resistance Is Not a Call for Restoration The Resistance Is Not a Call for Restoration

After the midterms, Democrats must embrace the insurgencies that have reenergized the people and the party.

Nov 5, 2018 / Robert L. Borosage
