
working conditions protest

How Brown University Students and Dining Workers Got Better Working Conditions—Together How Brown University Students and Dining Workers Got Better Working Conditions—Together

They started by demanding air conditioning in the main campus dining hall—and now they’re asking for more. 

Nov 14, 2018 / Lucas Smolcic Larson

Bolsonaro University Protest

Education Is in the Crosshairs in Bolsonaro’s Brazil Education Is in the Crosshairs in Bolsonaro’s Brazil

The president-elect seeks to ban from the classroom political opinions, debates, and any issues that could be construed as leftist.

Nov 12, 2018 / StudentNation / Michael Fox

Student voters

What 17 Student Voters Think About Tuesday’s Election What 17 Student Voters Think About Tuesday’s Election

One of the most powerful voting blocs in the country, young voters on Tuesday made their influence crystal clear.

Nov 9, 2018 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Jahana Hayes

Jahana Hayes Is Poised to Make History Jahana Hayes Is Poised to Make History

The Democratic congressional candidate from Connecticut says that growing up in poverty “grounded my decision-making and framed everything I do.”

Nov 1, 2018 / Greg Kaufmann

Lara Alqasem

On Boycotts, Academic Freedom, and the Struggle for Justice in Israel-Palestine On Boycotts, Academic Freedom, and the Struggle for Justice in Israel-Palestine

The big story in the United States is the growing support for the Palestinian cause, and for a just and viable Israel that gives equal rights to all its citizens.

Nov 1, 2018 / Bruce Robbins

Maryland Terrapins UMD

A ‘Justice for Jordan’ Protest Takes On the University of Maryland  A ‘Justice for Jordan’ Protest Takes On the University of Maryland 

In response to the retainment of “bully coach” D.J. Durkin, campus groups unite.

Oct 31, 2018 / StudentNation / Dave Zirin

Voting ballot box

The Most Important Ballot Measures of 2018 The Most Important Ballot Measures of 2018

Amid the din of election activity, don’t forget the power and potential of the ballot initiative.

Oct 24, 2018 / Simon Davis-Cohen

The Indelible Pain of the Kavanaugh Hearings

The Indelible Pain of the Kavanaugh Hearings The Indelible Pain of the Kavanaugh Hearings

As I consider my own trauma, I wonder how my students will remember theirs.

Oct 18, 2018 / Belle Chesler

Student debt protest

Women Have the Power to End the Student-Debt Crisis Women Have the Power to End the Student-Debt Crisis

We must place women’s interests, voices, and needs front and center in the national conversation—not just in terms of social equality but of economic equality as well.

Oct 16, 2018 / StudentNation / Sabrina Cereceres and Samantha Morgan

Julius Caesar

How Latin Got Woke How Latin Got Woke

Latin has long been the domain of dead white men. Today, a new cadre of scholars is trying to take it back.

Oct 12, 2018 / StudentNation / Lisa De Bode
