
President Joe Biden

Campaigning “From the Middle Out” Won’t Save Democrats Campaigning “From the Middle Out” Won’t Save Democrats

This effort can be driven only by independent movements, by organizers on the ground, by activists who decide collectively that this is a time not to give up but to move up.

Oct 26, 2021 / no-paywall / Katrina vanden Heuvel

US army soldier in Northeastern Syria

Why Biden Should Continue Withdrawing After Afghanistan Why Biden Should Continue Withdrawing After Afghanistan

The political cost of leaving Afghanistan has largely been paid—and the geopolitical consequences have been positive.

Oct 26, 2021 / Trita Parsi, Beatrix Geaghan-Breiner, and Artin DerSimonian

Conor Lamb and Joe Manchin

Conor Lamb Is a Centrist in Sheep’s Clothing Conor Lamb Is a Centrist in Sheep’s Clothing

In spite of branding himself as a true-blue Democrat, the Pennsylvania representative has allied himself with Joe Manchin, voted with Republicans, and taken money from the fossil f...

Oct 26, 2021 / Aída Chávez

Joe Manchin’s Surefire Strategy to Ensure That Democrats Lose in 2022

Joe Manchin’s Surefire Strategy to Ensure That Democrats Lose in 2022 Joe Manchin’s Surefire Strategy to Ensure That Democrats Lose in 2022

If Democrats appease Manchin and fail to act on the climate crisis, they will lose a vital appeal to the young voters they need to win.

Oct 25, 2021 / John Nichols

UAW John Deere Strike

On the John Deere Picket Line in Iowa With UAW Local 281 On the John Deere Picket Line in Iowa With UAW Local 281

With $1.6 billion in profits just in the third quarter of this year, the company has ample time and money to squeeze striking workers—unless national unions step up their support.

Oct 20, 2021 / Column / Dave Leshtz

Gary Youngkin

Can “Glenn Trumpkin” Both Embrace and Escape the Disgraced Ex-President? Can “Glenn Trumpkin” Both Embrace and Escape the Disgraced Ex-President?

Running for Virginia governor, Youngkin is trying to have it both ways with the GOP base.

Oct 19, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Bernie Sanders Shows Democrats How to Deal With Joe Manchin

Bernie Sanders Shows Democrats How to Deal With Joe Manchin Bernie Sanders Shows Democrats How to Deal With Joe Manchin

In a Sunday opinion piece, Sanders reminds West Virginians that their senator is blocking Medicare expansion and policies that lift children out of poverty.

Oct 19, 2021 / John Nichols

Joe Manchin committee hearing

Manchin’s Shameful Child Care Stance Isn’t Just Bad Politics. It’s Self-Defeating Policy. Manchin’s Shameful Child Care Stance Isn’t Just Bad Politics. It’s Self-Defeating Policy.

The senator is forcing a choice among four crucial pillars of a holistic solution to help struggling families.

Oct 19, 2021 / no-paywall / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Letters Icon

Letters From the November 1/8, 2021, Issue Letters From the November 1/8, 2021, Issue

Our carbon bootprint… The forgotten forever war… Fuzzy math… Feminism: left and white? (web only)…

Oct 19, 2021 / Letters / Our Readers and Rafia Zakaria


Why Isn’t Steve Bannon in Jail? Ask the Democrats. Why Isn’t Steve Bannon in Jail? Ask the Democrats.

Bannon’s refusal to appear before the January 6 Select Committee is a clear case of contempt of Congress, but Democrats aren’t bringing their full power against him.

Oct 15, 2021 / Elie Mystal
