War in Afghanistan

A US Army soldier on patrol near the Turkish border in northeastern Syria, May 2021.

The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents

The Department of Defense’s annual civilian casualty report is two years behind—but even when it finally arrives, will it say anything of substance?

May 30, 2024 / Nick Turse

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, former commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, talks prior to a Bloomberg Television interview in Washington, D.C. in 2013.

The Convenient Myth of “Humane” Wars The Convenient Myth of “Humane” Wars

How America hides the human toll of its military machine.

Jun 5, 2023 / Norman Solomon

Guantánamo Bay

Two Decades Later, We Still Know Too Little About the Government’s Torture Program Two Decades Later, We Still Know Too Little About the Government’s Torture Program

Attempts to keep that blindfold in place in the name of “national security” have helped sustain darkness over light.

Jun 1, 2023 / Karen J. Greenberg

A Ukrainian serviceman walks past destroyed Russian tanks

Ukraine Is Another Chapter in the Forever War Ukraine Is Another Chapter in the Forever War

Who even remembers when the First World War was known as “the war to end all wars”?

Apr 19, 2023 / Karen J. Greenberg


What Survivors of War Can Tell Us About Our Broken Health Care System What Survivors of War Can Tell Us About Our Broken Health Care System

Policy-makers once so prepared to place veterans in harm’s way are remarkably unprepared to care for them when they are no longer of direct use.

Apr 5, 2023 / Andrea Mazzarino

Protesters dressed with cutout faces of Biden and Putin prepare to throw nuclear weapons in the garbage

Is the US Flirting With Nuclear War? Is the US Flirting With Nuclear War?

A proxy war pitting the United States against a paranoid adversary with a massive nuclear arsenal at his command: What could possibly go wrong?

Mar 23, 2023 / Andrew J. Bacevich

An Interview With the Taliban

An Interview With the Taliban An Interview With the Taliban

Two years after the US announced its withdrawal from Afghanistan, a Nation reporter speaks to Taliban spokesman Mufti Abdul Matin Qani about the government's policies.

Feb 14, 2023 / Hasan Ali

Outside Kyiv, Ukraine, locals stand atop and examine a destroyed Russian tank.

We Can’t Reduce the Ukraine War to a Morality Play We Can’t Reduce the Ukraine War to a Morality Play

Along with causing immense suffering, Putin’s war has unleashed a tidal wave of hyperbole.

Feb 14, 2023 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times?

Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times? Has the Peace Movement Kept Up With the Times?

“No justice, no peace” is more than a slogan. It’s a precondition for achieving a more peaceful life in this country.  

Jan 23, 2023 / Nan Levinson

A soldier prepares to launch a drone in Afghanistan.

What We Should Have Learned From the War on Terror What We Should Have Learned From the War on Terror

And what it can teach us about the future of the crisis in Ukraine.

Oct 21, 2022 / Karen J. Greenberg
