East Timor’s Agony
With Dili burning and anti-independence militias carrying on a murderous terror campaign beneath the noses of Indonesian soldiers and police, the United Nations prepared to e...
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With Dili burning and anti-independence militias carrying on a murderous terror campaign beneath the noses of Indonesian soldiers and police, the United Nations prepared to e...
While the Indonesian military's thugs continue their rampage in East Timor, most foreign reporters have fled the country.
Residents of Skaneateles, New York, complained to visiting reporters about the Clintons' decision to make themselves relatively scarce on their recent vacation.
After the war life will begin to stir once again, but we won't be here, we will have vanished just as the Aztecs have vanished.
When a boy comes of age in a movie made by Francophones, he's generally obliged to visit a brothel.
It all began in the heat of the summer of 1940. Hitler was at his peak in Europe. France had been defeated.
The new US envoy to the United Nations, Richard Holbrooke, has personal experience of how frustrating it can be to negotiate, even when speaking in the name of that mega-clich...