High-Stakes Healthcare Decision Looms for More Than 6 Million Young Americans High-Stakes Healthcare Decision Looms for More Than 6 Million Young Americans
A popular provision of the Affordable Care Act that has helped insure 6.6 million Americans under 26 could be eliminated by the Supreme Court.
Jun 11, 2012 / Zoë Carpenter

Will Millions of Young Americans Benefiting From the ACA Turn Out for Obama? Will Millions of Young Americans Benefiting From the ACA Turn Out for Obama?
Fifteen million young adults will gain access to health insurance through Obamacare—if it survives Supreme Court review. Will that win Obama their support?
Jun 4, 2012 / Zoë Carpenter

Revolution on the Radio Revolution on the Radio
Community radio stations were key to spreading the message of the Occupy movement.
Mar 12, 2012 / Zoë Carpenter
Digging for Democracy Digging for Democracy
COLLEGE FINALIST: The range of options that my generation has to choose from has been whittled to a handful of bad ones. I am coming of age not in the land of the free, but in...
Dec 6, 2011 / Zoë Carpenter