The Nation


Founded by abolitionists in 1865, The Nation has chronicled the breadth and depth of political and cultural life, from the debut of the telegraph to the rise of Twitter, serving as a critical, independent, and progressive voice in American journalism.

Flying the Corporate Skies Flying the Corporate Skies

A top official in the Bush Administration, David Safavian, is on trial right now for lying about a golfing trip to Scotland taken by a lawmaker, Rep. Bob Ney, and funded by a lobb...

Jun 6, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Bush: Discrimination ‘Serves Interests of All’ Bush: Discrimination ‘Serves Interests of All’

President Bush has framed his support for a Constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage as a necessary defense of cherished institutions and practices. "Marriage is the mos...

Jun 6, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Fish and Fiction Fish and Fiction

The latest attempt by this White House to muzzle the truth isn't about Haditha, domestic spying, or torture--it's about salmon. That's right, salmon. It seems the National Oceani...

Jun 5, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Symbolism and Scandal Symbolism and Scandal

The war in Iraq keeps getting worse. Gas prices remain high. Corruption is oozing through Congress. And hurricane season just started. So what are Republicans in Washington preo...

Jun 5, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Has Wal-Mart Jumped the Shark? Has Wal-Mart Jumped the Shark?

Always a rollicking affair, with the feel of a pep rally or revival meeting, by all accounts, the Wal-Mart shareholder's meeting on Friday was over the top. According to Michael B...

Jun 5, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

AIDS Groups Call UN Meeting a “Failure” AIDS Groups Call UN Meeting a “Failure”

As UNGASS +5 winds down, a coalition of over 70 civil society organizations from around the world are denouncing the meeting as a significant step back in the global fight against...

Jun 2, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Senator Sellout Senator Sellout

If left-liberal bloggers have any influence on the Democraticparty, they should use their muscle right now to block a grotesquesellout--handing Republicans an odious victory on th...

Jun 2, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Gonzales on Steroids Gonzales on Steroids

When the former chief spokesman for Attorney General John Ashcroft says that Alberto Gonzales' subpoenaing of reporters is "… the most reckless abuse of power I have seen in yea...

Jun 1, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Raising Their Wages Could Save Your Life Raising Their Wages Could Save Your Life

There's been a media frenzy lately on the shortage of nurses in this country. It's justified; this is a serious public health problem. If you've ever been hospitalized, you've pro...

Jun 1, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation

Occupation Unhinged Occupation Unhinged

The US occupation of Iraq is spiraling out of control. Just when it seems like America couldn't be any more unpopular in Iraq, and around the world, comes the word Haditha. A ho...

Jun 1, 2006 / The Notion / The Nation
