Suzanne Merkelson

Suzanne Merkelson is Associate Web Editor at United Republic. She formerly worked as a web producer at Foreign Policy magazine and has written for the Chicago Tribune, Foreign Policy, and The Atlantic, among others.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi Drop ALEC Coca-Cola and Pepsi Drop ALEC

Thanks to pressure over "Stand Your Ground" laws, Coca-Cola and Pepsi have dropped their ALEC memberships.

Apr 5, 2012 / Suzanne Merkelson

Exposed: The Corporations Behind the Law That May Let Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free

Exposed: The Corporations Behind the Law That May Let Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free Exposed: The Corporations Behind the Law That May Let Trayvon Martin’s Killer Go Free

Here's what we know about the groups that help fund ALEC, the organization that drafted the law that keeps Trayvon Martin’s killer free.

Mar 23, 2012 / Suzanne Merkelson
