Sasha Abramsky


Sasha Abramsky, who writes regularly for The Nation, is the author of several books, including Inside Obama’s Brain, The American Way of PovertyThe House of 20,000 Books, Jumping at Shadows, and, most recently, Little Wonder: The Fabulous Story of Lottie Dod, the World’s First Female Sports Superstar. Subscribe to The Abramsky Report, a weekly, subscription-based political column, here.

President Donald Trump

Trump Wants to Treat Undocumented Migrants Like Enemy Combatants Trump Wants to Treat Undocumented Migrants Like Enemy Combatants

But US soldiers who commit war crimes? They’re “deserving individuals” who deserve “second chances.”

Nov 19, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Isn’t Just Cruel, It’s Illegal

Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Isn’t Just Cruel, It’s Illegal Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy Isn’t Just Cruel, It’s Illegal

As the administration continues its war on asylum seekers, a former asylum officer says forcing applicants to wait in Mexican camps violates international law.

Nov 15, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Charging for Asylum? It’s Unpopular for a Reason

Charging for Asylum? It’s Unpopular for a Reason Charging for Asylum? It’s Unpopular for a Reason

Between new fees for asylum seekers and withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, the United States is trying to stand out in all the wrong ways.

Nov 12, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

A Crook Is Stacking the Federal Courts

A Crook Is Stacking the Federal Courts A Crook Is Stacking the Federal Courts

Trump and the GOP are playing the long game: With every new judge appointed, they’re extending their reach for generations to come.

Nov 8, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Duke Energy Coal Plant

Trump Throws More Red Meat to Nativists, Polluters, and Evangelicals Trump Throws More Red Meat to Nativists, Polluters, and Evangelicals

He’s shoring up his bigoted base for 2020, but he’s also courting the broader GOP coalition of big business and the Christian right.

Nov 5, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Betsy DeVos

The GOP’s Crony Capitalism Is Racing Full-Steam Ahead The GOP’s Crony Capitalism Is Racing Full-Steam Ahead

Special favors for student-loan fraudsters, tax breaks favoring junk-bond crook Michael Milken, continuing purges of voter rolls—this party’s MO is pillage and plunder.

Nov 1, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

As California Burns, Trump Feeds the Cult of Personality

As California Burns, Trump Feeds the Cult of Personality As California Burns, Trump Feeds the Cult of Personality

But World Series fans were having none of it—thousands chanted “Lock him up!” at Nationals Park stadium in Washington, DC.

Oct 29, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Neo Nazi rally newman

How Do the Trumpists Mobilize? Around White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism How Do the Trumpists Mobilize? Around White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism

A new report by Political Research Associates lays out the connections and the key role played by the media.

Oct 25, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Want Serious Progressive Change? Fight for Structural Election Reforms.

Want Serious Progressive Change? Fight for Structural Election Reforms. Want Serious Progressive Change? Fight for Structural Election Reforms.

That’s the only way we’ll be able to challenge the GOP minority’s hold on power, after so many years of gerrymandering and voter suppression.

Oct 22, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky

Trump’s Support May Be Dwindling, but His Assault on Regulations Continues

Trump’s Support May Be Dwindling, but His Assault on Regulations Continues Trump’s Support May Be Dwindling, but His Assault on Regulations Continues

The administration is planning to sabotage environmental oversight on public lands, privatize elements of the national park system, and stall the replacement of contaminated drinki...

Oct 18, 2019 / Signal:Noise / Sasha Abramsky
