If You Can’t Speak English, Good Luck Voting in Trump’s America If You Can’t Speak English, Good Luck Voting in Trump’s America
The Department of Justice has left millions of voters who need language help without government protection.
Oct 29, 2020 / Richard Salame

Across the Country, Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Faced Obstacles Across the Country, Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Faced Obstacles
But in southern Brooklyn, they showed they can still swing an election.
Nov 12, 2018 / Richard Salame

Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress Vote Aquí? Limited-English-Proficiency Voters Could Help Determine Congress
A joint Investigative Fund–Nation exposé shows that language accommodation for voting (or the lack thereof) could swing 20 congressional elections.
Nov 5, 2018 / Richard Salame

The Syrian War Is Still Raging, but the Battle Over Reconstruction Has Already Begun The Syrian War Is Still Raging, but the Battle Over Reconstruction Has Already Begun
Russia is pushing for Western funding—with little success.
Sep 5, 2018 / Richard Salame