Targeting Tehran Targeting Tehran
As the Bush Administration steps up its campaign against Iran, opponents have a dual responsibility: to contest the strategic context for escalation and to bar specific acts of agg...
Feb 21, 2007 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare
Ominous Signs of a Wider War Ominous Signs of a Wider War
The naming of Adm. William Fallon to replace Gen. John Abizaid as head of Centcom is an ominous sign that Bush is preparing for a wider war.
Jan 10, 2007 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
Ending Nonproliferation Ending Nonproliferation
President Bush's dangerous deal to deliver nuclear technology to India is a significant breach of the nonproliferation treaty and will make nuclear war more likely.
Mar 18, 2006 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare
Defusing the Iran Crisis Defusing the Iran Crisis
A peaceful resolution to the nuclear dispute with Iran is possible if world leaders work to eliminate the obstacles to intelligent compromise.
Mar 2, 2006 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare
The Geopolitics of Natural Gas The Geopolitics of Natural Gas
Natural gas is rapidly emerging as the next big prize for consumer countries like the US and China. In the twenty-first century, alliances and hostilities between economic powerhou...
Jan 4, 2006 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
Revving Up the China Threat Revving Up the China Threat
The Bush Administration's stance on China has gone from worry about their economic strength and oil consumption to full-on preparation for a new cold war.
Oct 6, 2005 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
Katrina and the Coming World Oil Crunch Katrina and the Coming World Oil Crunch
Beyond the human suffering, Katrina's sucker punch will be felt in America's increasing dependence on foreign petroleum.
Sep 6, 2005 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
The Iran War Buildup The Iran War Buildup
There is no evidence that President Bush has already made the decision to attack Iran if Tehran proceeds with uranium-enrichment activities viewed in Washington as precursors t...
Jul 21, 2005 / Editorial / Michael T. Klare
Outposts of Empire Outposts of Empire
The Pentagon's new bases abroad.
Apr 7, 2005 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
Imperial Reach Imperial Reach
The Pentagon's new basing strategy.
Apr 7, 2005 / Feature / Michael T. Klare