Luis Feliz Leon

Luis Feliz Leon is an associate editor at Labor Notes.

The Case for More Strikes

The Case for More Strikes The Case for More Strikes

Unions nationwide must take advantage of their leverage and use the strike weapon more often.

Aug 1, 2023 / The Argument / Luis Feliz Leon

Life and Death in the Poultry Capital of the World

Life and Death in the Poultry Capital of the World Life and Death in the Poultry Capital of the World

Six workers were killed in a chicken plant in Gainesville, Ga. The community is demanding answers.

Feb 1, 2021 / Luis Feliz Leon

Dead Teachers Can’t Teach

Dead Teachers Can’t Teach Dead Teachers Can’t Teach

As a new Covid-19 variant takes hold, Tennessee lawmakers are trying to force teachers and students back into the classroom.

Jan 29, 2021 / StudentNation / Luis Feliz Leon
