Harry Zehner

Harry Zehner is a writer, educator, and organizer with Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG).

A crowd of students stands in front of a library at Columbia University protesting the university's decision to suspend two student groups

The Gaza Protests Were a Mask-Off Moment for American Universities The Gaza Protests Were a Mask-Off Moment for American Universities

The brutal crackdown on the divestment encampments exposed a stark truth: The modern university cannot function without the support of the military-industrial complex.

May 29, 2024 / Harry Zehner

People prepare to transfer the body of a World Central Kitchen WCK worker killed by Israeli airstrikes, near the Rafah border crossing, in the southern Gaza Strip, on April 3, 2024.

Israel’s Attacks on Gaza Are Not “Mistakes.” They’re Crimes. Israel’s Attacks on Gaza Are Not “Mistakes.” They’re Crimes.

The political and media class is doing what it always does with the US and its allies: trying to frame deliberate atrocities as tragic mishaps.

Apr 19, 2024 / Harry Zehner
