Fran Quigley

Fran Quigley is the director of the Health and Human Rights Clinic at Indiana University’s McKinney School of Law. He’s the author of How Human Rights Can Build Haiti (Vanderbilt University Press, 2014) and a contributor to Foreign Policy In Focus.

Corporations Killed Medicine. Here’s How to Take It Back.

Corporations Killed Medicine. Here’s How to Take It Back. Corporations Killed Medicine. Here’s How to Take It Back.

For most of human history, life-saving drugs were a public good. Now they’re only good for shareholders.

Feb 12, 2016 / Foreign Policy In Focus / Fran Quigley

Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse.

Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse. Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse.

If someone had poisoned New York’s water supply and killed 9,000 people, it would have been the most litigated public health disaster of all time. But when it happened in Haiti? No...

Oct 16, 2015 / Fran Quigley
