WikiLeaks Haiti: The Aristide Files WikiLeaks Haiti: The Aristide Files
Secret US Embassy cables depict a far-reaching campaign to prevent Haiti's democratically elected leader from returning to the country after the 2004 coup.
Aug 5, 2011 / Kim Ives and Ansel Herz

WikiLeaks Haiti: The Post-Quake ‘Gold Rush’ for Reconstruction Contracts WikiLeaks Haiti: The Post-Quake ‘Gold Rush’ for Reconstruction Contracts
Cables made available by WikiLeaks show how disaster capitalists sought "opportunity" in the devastated country.
Jun 15, 2011 / Ansel Herz and Kim Ives

WikiLeaks Haiti: The Earthquake Cables WikiLeaks Haiti: The Earthquake Cables
Despite reports from its own embassy that the post-quake situation in Haiti was “calm,” the United States launched a massive military operation that sparked an internat...
Jun 15, 2011 / Ansel Herz