Abdullah Shihipar

Abdullah Shihipar is a writer who focuses on public health, race, class, and other social justice issues. He leads Narrative Projects & Policy Impact Initiatives at the People, Place & Health Collective at Brown University.

President Joe Biden

OSHA Can Do Much More to Prevent Covid Transmission at Work OSHA Can Do Much More to Prevent Covid Transmission at Work

Biden’s vaccine mandate for employees is good—but making employers responsible for covid safety measures would be even better.

Sep 22, 2021 / Abdullah Shihipar

A mobile Covid test site in Times Square

Covid Is Here to Stay. This Is How We Should Respond. Covid Is Here to Stay. This Is How We Should Respond.

Learning to live with Covid-19 is not an individual state of mind.

Sep 17, 2021 / Column / Abdullah Shihipar

Tents of asylum-seekers at the Southern border of the US

Global Vaccine Inequity Could Make Migration Harder Than Ever Global Vaccine Inequity Could Make Migration Harder Than Ever

Migrants are facing even more restrictions in the Covid era—and thanks to lack of vaccine access in lower-income countries, they will be less likely to meet them.

Sep 15, 2021 / Abdullah Shihipar

We Can’t Message Our Way Out of a Public Health Crisis

We Can’t Message Our Way Out of a Public Health Crisis We Can’t Message Our Way Out of a Public Health Crisis

As the coronavirus has spread, public officials have spent a lot of time urging people to wear a mask and socially distance, when they can’t stay home—and offered not much else.

Dec 9, 2020 / Abdullah Shihipar

Student at a campus food pantry

These Students Took Care of Each Other When Their Universities Didn’t These Students Took Care of Each Other When Their Universities Didn’t

When their universities failed to provide support during the early chaos of the coronavirus outbreak, students launched mutual aid efforts across the country to share resources and...

Apr 13, 2020 / StudentNation / Abdullah Shihipar

DSA High School

Whom Is the DSA Reaching? The Teens. Whom Is the DSA Reaching? The Teens.

Since Ocasio-Cortez’s win, a surge of YDSA members from high schools around the country want to organize chapters at their schools.

Jul 26, 2018 / StudentNation / Abdullah Shihipar
