Chris Lehmann


Chris Lehmann is the DC Bureau chief for The Nation and a contributing editor at The Baffler. He was formerly editor of The Baffler and The New Republic, and is the author, most recently, of The Money Cult: Capitalism, Christianity, and the Unmaking of the American Dream (Melville House, 2016).

Trump’s Embrace of QAnon Realizes the Dream of the Religious Right

Trump’s Embrace of QAnon Realizes the Dream of the Religious Right Trump’s Embrace of QAnon Realizes the Dream of the Religious Right

For evangelicals and conservative Christians, the former president's cult-like rallies have placed their ritualized militancy at the center of American politics.

Sep 23, 2022 / Highlights / Chris Lehmann

Ron DeSantis speaks at the Keep Florida Free tour

DeSantis’s Contempt for Immigrants Makes Him Politically Stupid DeSantis’s Contempt for Immigrants Makes Him Politically Stupid

The Florida governor’s stunt to send Venezuelan asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard was cruel and illegal—it could also backfire on him.

Sep 19, 2022 / Chris Lehmann

Election Deniers Are Gearing Up to Take Office

Election Deniers Are Gearing Up to Take Office Election Deniers Are Gearing Up to Take Office

Republicans who claim the 2020 election was rigged are on the ballot for 60 percent of the electorate. Their influence on future elections could be devastating.

Sep 15, 2022 / Chris Lehmann

Donald Trump baseball bat

Trump Proves That Presidents Have Too Much Power Trump Proves That Presidents Have Too Much Power

The expansion of executive privilege under Bush and Obama gave their successor license he recklessly exploited.

Sep 12, 2022 / Chris Lehmann

Trump golf

The GOP Is Pretending It’s Not the Party of Trump The GOP Is Pretending It’s Not the Party of Trump

Republicans want to have it both ways, distancing themselves from the former president's scandals while carrying out his political agenda.

Sep 7, 2022 / Chris Lehmann

rally in front of the Capitol for a $15 minimum wage

Democrats Need to Start Talking About Class Democrats Need to Start Talking About Class

With midterms on the horizon, Republicans are making cynical appeals to working Americans. We can’t afford to cede the territory.

Aug 31, 2022 / Chris Lehmann

New Yorker Chuck Walker (L) dressed as Republican

How the “Brooks Brothers Riot” Set the Stage for Insurrection How the “Brooks Brothers Riot” Set the Stage for Insurrection

The post-election uprising in Miami-Dade County gives the lie to the depiction of the failed Trumpian coup as an isolated event.

Aug 4, 2022 / Chris Lehmann

To the Republic, for Which It Stands

To the Republic, for Which It Stands To the Republic, for Which It Stands

The broad Trumpian vow to “Make America Great Again” chimed in near-perfect unison with the cultural offensives of the Christian right.

May 17, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Chris Lehmann

Mr. Bright Side

Mr. Bright Side Mr. Bright Side

Trump’s Gospel of Positive Thinking

Oct 4, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Chris Lehmann

Beyond Belief

Beyond Belief Beyond Belief

Conservative religious thinkers and their intellectual crusades.

Feb 5, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Chris Lehmann
