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As if to move a flexible sphere from here to there with unassisted head and foot were natural and obvious. As if a dance could always bow to resolute constraint and never be danced the same way twice. As if whistles and cheers, the hullabaloo of fervent gazers were all the music needed to keep its players' goals in tune. So that as they weave, dodge, collide, collapse in breathless haystacks--and rise and fall and rise again-- we're made, if not one, then at least whole.

Alfred Corn

May 16, 2002

As if to move a flexible sphere from here to there with unassisted head and foot were natural and obvious. As if a dance could always bow to resolute constraint and never be danced the same way twice. As if whistles and cheers, the hullabaloo of fervent gazers were all the music needed to keep its players’ goals in tune. So that as they weave, dodge, collide, collapse in breathless haystacks–and rise and fall and rise again– we’re made, if not one, then at least whole.

Alfred CornAlfred Corn's newest collection of poems, Contradictions, will be published next year (2002) by Copper Canyon Press.

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