Transgender Rights

India lifts ban on gay sex

The Strange, Long Afterlife of an Inhumane Colonial Law The Strange, Long Afterlife of an Inhumane Colonial Law

Homophobia in India is an alien import with shallow roots.

Sep 14, 2018 / Siddharth Dube

Southerners on New Ground

The Next Generation of Southern Organizing The Next Generation of Southern Organizing

By providing a playbook for young organizers, Southerners on New Ground encourages college students not simply to stay involved, but to see themselves as leaders in the fight for a...

Aug 17, 2018 / StudentNation / Robin Happel

Christine Hallquist Isn’t Just the First Transgender Candidate for Governor—She’s Also a Visionary Progressive

Christine Hallquist Isn’t Just the First Transgender Candidate for Governor—She’s Also a Visionary Progressive Christine Hallquist Isn’t Just the First Transgender Candidate for Governor—She’s Also a Visionary Progressive

The history-making candidate says that Vermonters will elect her because of her platform.

Aug 15, 2018 / John Nichols

Gay Pride New York

Let’s Not Talk About Sex Let’s Not Talk About Sex

A survey says millennials embrace diversity, see bias, but have hang-ups about “homosexuality.”

Aug 2, 2018 / Joshua Holland

Marriage Equality

Martin Duberman in Conversation Martin Duberman in Conversation

The eminent gay historian calls for a new queer radicalism.

Jul 17, 2018 / Christopher Phelps

Brett Kavanaugh and Donald Trump

10 Questions Judge Kavanaugh Should Answer 10 Questions Judge Kavanaugh Should Answer

Trump’s latest nominee for Supreme Court Justice has long been a darling of DC conservatives, but his decisions on some of today’s biggest legal issues will affect the entire count...

Jul 11, 2018 / Gregg Levine

Will Brett Kavanaugh Pass the Religious Right’s New Litmus Test?

Will Brett Kavanaugh Pass the Religious Right’s New Litmus Test? Will Brett Kavanaugh Pass the Religious Right’s New Litmus Test?

While Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court is a staunch conservative, his views on religious freedom are less well known.

Jul 9, 2018 / Sarah Posner

It’s Time for HBCUs to Address Homophobia and Transphobia on Their Campuses

It’s Time for HBCUs to Address Homophobia and Transphobia on Their Campuses It’s Time for HBCUs to Address Homophobia and Transphobia on Their Campuses

While there are more than 100 historically black colleges and universities in the country, only three have LGBT student centers.

Jun 21, 2018 / Black on Campus / Sherri Williams

Trump Administration

The Trump Administration’s Dangerous Assault on Our Words The Trump Administration’s Dangerous Assault on Our Words

Language is disappearing from government documents before our eyes—and that’s no accident.

May 17, 2018 / Karen J. Greenberg

Migrant family seeks shelter la 72

Escaping Hate: A Trans Woman’s Journey North Escaping Hate: A Trans Woman’s Journey North

Alexandra Acevedo fled Honduras—one of the most dangerous places on earth to be queer—to find safety and the freedom to be herself.

Mar 13, 2018 / Michael Snyder
