
Nation Conversations: Ari Berman, Tim Egan and Eli Sanders on the Democrats’ Future

Nation Conversations: Ari Berman, Tim Egan and Eli Sanders on the Democrats’ Future Nation Conversations: Ari Berman, Tim Egan and Eli Sanders on the Democrats’ Future

For Berman, Obama's grassroots victory in 2008 built heavily on the fifty-state electoral strategy which Howard Dean pursued as DNC chairman. But in a political climate far differe...

Nov 30, 2010 / Audio / The Nation

The National Security State Cops a Feel The National Security State Cops a Feel

Taking off the gloves (and then everything else).

Nov 30, 2010 / Tom Engelhardt

Police Detained UK Student Protesters En Masse: A Firsthand Account

Police Detained UK Student Protesters En Masse: A Firsthand Account Police Detained UK Student Protesters En Masse: A Firsthand Account

Take a protest, toss in hundreds of police officers with riot shields, then block the protesters into an area of open space with no toilets, food or shelter, for hours. If anyone t...

Nov 30, 2010 / StudentNation / Laurie Penny

Before Simpson and Bowles Say: ‘Cut Social Security,’ Tell Congress to ‘Strengthen It’! Before Simpson and Bowles Say: ‘Cut Social Security,’ Tell Congress to ‘Strengthen It’!

The co-chairs of the President's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform have a plan to address the nation's deficit and debt challenges by weakening Social Se...

Nov 30, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

WikiLeaks Reveals State Department Pushed Diplomats to Spy WikiLeaks Reveals State Department Pushed Diplomats to Spy

The new cable dump includes a State Department directive to have diplomats spy on UN officials. The UN has been a playground for spies since its origin—but this rec...

Nov 29, 2010 / Barbara Crossette

Palin in Iowa, Palin in Iowa… ‘Oh My Goodness!’ Is This a Caucus State? Palin in Iowa, Palin in Iowa… ‘Oh My Goodness!’ Is This a Caucus State?

Maybe a presidential candidate, maybe not, but definitely spending a lot of time in the first-caucus state.

Nov 29, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

An Apology to John Tyner An Apology to John Tyner

The Nation hasn't been—and never will be—in the business of muffling citizen protest.

Nov 28, 2010 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Hammer Gets Hammered: A Life Sentence for Tom DeLay? The Hammer Gets Hammered: A Life Sentence for Tom DeLay?

The former majority leader's conviction serves as a reminder of just how crooked Congress was during the Bush years.

Nov 27, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

Official Washington Worries WikiLeaks Will Reveal Inconsistent Approach to Terror Official Washington Worries WikiLeaks Will Reveal Inconsistent Approach to Terror

The State Department is really worried about the next WikiLeaks document dump, and rightly so. It could expose how the US looks the other way when "allies" enga...

Nov 26, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols

The Holiday Pulpit: Thanksgiving Proclamations Should Call Us to Action The Holiday Pulpit: Thanksgiving Proclamations Should Call Us to Action

 Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower set an activist standard with their Thanksgiving Proclamations. Obama should emulate it.

Nov 25, 2010 / Blog / John Nichols
