Nation Conversations

Nation Conversations: New York Public Advocate Bill de Blasio

Nation Conversations: New York Public Advocate Bill de Blasio Nation Conversations: New York Public Advocate Bill de Blasio

The Supreme Court's Citizens United decision "will warp our democracy forever," says de Blasio, "if we let it do so." The challenge to progressives is to refocus and re-energize gr...

Jul 16, 2010 / Audio / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Jeff Blum on the Battle for Healthcare Nation Conversations: Jeff Blum on the Battle for Healthcare

USAction's Jeff Blum argues that progressives need to embrace Obama's healthcare reform as a major victory for the social justice movement: "We actually established a new r...

Jun 29, 2010 / Audio / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Ret. Col. Ann Wright on Israel’s Raid Nation Conversations: Ret. Col. Ann Wright on Israel’s Raid

Ret. Col. Ann Wright provides an eyewitness account of the Israeli raid on the Gaza relief flotilla. Listen now!

Jun 9, 2010 / Audio / The Nation
