Morbid Symptoms

President Joe Biden delivering a primetime speech at Independence National Historic Park, Philadelphia, September 1, 2022.

Democracy’s Fair-Weather Friends in the Mainstream Media Democracy’s Fair-Weather Friends in the Mainstream Media

Their churlish response to President Biden’s Labor Day speech shows how the reflexive centrism of mainstream press overrides any concern for the truth.

Sep 20, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

Brent Bozell and William Buckley in 1954.

Theocracy Now! The Forgotten Prophet of the Resurgent Right Theocracy Now! The Forgotten Prophet of the Resurgent Right

Overshadowed during his lifetime by his famous brother-in-law William F. Buckley, L. Brent Bozell Jr. has proved the true prophet of the American right.

Aug 9, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

Why the January 6 Hearings Are a Trap

Why the January 6 Hearings Are a Trap Why the January 6 Hearings Are a Trap

It’s absurd to try to hold GOP accountable while conspicuously reaching across the aisle.

Jun 25, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

The GOP’s Pedophilia Smears Are An Incitement to Violence

The GOP’s Pedophilia Smears Are An Incitement to Violence The GOP’s Pedophilia Smears Are An Incitement to Violence

The fusion of QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theories with a homophobic moral panic makes the current Republican grooming smears a threat to the physical safety of LGBTQ people.

May 12, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

The Dawn of an Even More Dangerous Cold War

The Dawn of an Even More Dangerous Cold War The Dawn of an Even More Dangerous Cold War

Many have forgotten the lessons of the Cuban missile crisis and the perils of nuclear war. Let’s hope Joe Biden isn’t among them.

Mar 18, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

The American Right’s Cult of Victor Orbán

The American Right’s Cult of Victor Orbán The American Right’s Cult of Victor Orbán

The Hungarian autocrat is proving worryingly influential.

Feb 23, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

David Brooks on Meet The Press

When Will David Brooks Admit That Conservatism Paved the Way for Trump? When Will David Brooks Admit That Conservatism Paved the Way for Trump?

The New York Times columnist’s nostalgia whitewashes a nastier and much more consequential history.

Jan 10, 2022 / Column / Jeet Heer

Senators Meet For Weekly Policy Luncheons

The Republicans Have Become the Party of Organized Violence The Republicans Have Become the Party of Organized Violence

Right now, the GOP views threats of violence as offering a political advantage with no real downside. Normalization of this behavior by President Biden or the media will only make ...

Nov 29, 2021 / Column / Jeet Heer

Mark Zuckerberg stares down at his lap

Mark Zuckerberg Knows Exactly How Bad Facebook Is Mark Zuckerberg Knows Exactly How Bad Facebook Is

Whistleblower testimony proves the social media giant is harmful and dishonest, and can't be trusted to regulate itself.

Oct 18, 2021 / Column / Jeet Heer

Jeffrey Goldberg and John Brennan

How Cheerleaders of the Forever Wars Got Away With Murder How Cheerleaders of the Forever Wars Got Away With Murder

In reckoning with post-9/11 fantasies and lies, don’t forget the role of the press.

Sep 4, 2021 / 20 Years of Bloodshed and Delusion / Jeet Heer
