Sasha Abramsky


Sasha Abramsky, who writes regularly for The Nation, is the author of several books, including Inside Obama’s Brain, The American Way of PovertyThe House of 20,000 Books, Jumping at Shadows, and, most recently, Little Wonder: The Fabulous Story of Lottie Dod, the World’s First Female Sports Superstar. Subscribe to The Abramsky Report, a weekly, subscription-based political column, here.

If They Walk Like Fascists and Talk Like Fascists…

If They Walk Like Fascists and Talk Like Fascists… If They Walk Like Fascists and Talk Like Fascists…

Attacking science, forcing people back to work, closing the border, suppressing the vote—the Trump/GOP strategy looks increasingly like white nationalist accelerationism.

May 15, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

A car drives past city hall, carrying signs that read

Undocumented Workers in Coronavirus Crisis Undocumented Workers in Coronavirus Crisis

“Immigrant workers give life, give a pulse, to our economy. We need to be taken into account.”

May 14, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

Trump and the GOP Are Ignoring Economic Catastrophe

Trump and the GOP Are Ignoring Economic Catastrophe Trump and the GOP Are Ignoring Economic Catastrophe

Instead, the president spent the past week pushing disinformation campaigns and vitriolic attacks against constructive responses to the pandemic.

May 12, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

protester holds sign that says

Why Are Republicans Stampeding to Reopen? Why Are Republicans Stampeding to Reopen?

They’re following the lead of Trump, who encourages gun-toting protesters, blames immigrants and China, and demonizes the media.

May 5, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

Donald Trump sits at a desk with Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy standing behind him

Trump and GOP to Nation: Go Bankrupt, Drop Dead Trump and GOP to Nation: Go Bankrupt, Drop Dead

They’re promoting policies that could push not only the economy but the US system of government to the breaking point.

May 1, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

A large effigy of Stephen Miller that reads

The Federalist Fight Against Fascism The Federalist Fight Against Fascism

Progressive states and attorneys are charting their own course, using the courts to rein in an out-of-control president.

Apr 28, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

Once Again, Trump Shreds US Immigration Law

Once Again, Trump Shreds US Immigration Law Once Again, Trump Shreds US Immigration Law

His new ban is an election gambit—that despite his manifest incompetence and a cratered economy, he can win this fall by doubling down on xenophobia.

Apr 24, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

Stay-at-home order protest

Trump’s Pandemic Priorities? Incite Violence, Increase Pollution. Trump’s Pandemic Priorities? Incite Violence, Increase Pollution.

That, plus more deportations—of coronavirus-exposed refugees.

Apr 21, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

‘The President Is Not a King’: NY Attorney General Tish James

‘The President Is Not a King’: NY Attorney General Tish James ‘The President Is Not a King’: NY Attorney General Tish James

Governors, mayors, and attorneys general set the agenda, as Trump’s malignancy, like the coronavirus, grows exponentially.

Apr 17, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky

Amazing Grace and Courage Amid the Plague

Amazing Grace and Courage Amid the Plague Amazing Grace and Courage Amid the Plague

But also racism and xenophobia, as Trump sows ever more chaos and hatred in his bid to win reelection.

Apr 14, 2020 / no-paywall / Sasha Abramsky
