The Fictional Terrorist Conspiracy Being Tried in France The Fictional Terrorist Conspiracy Being Tried in France
Seven are accused of belonging to a far-left cell, despite the paucity of evidence.
Oct 26, 2023 / Harrison Stetler and Rona Lorimer

What Will Macron Do When Arbitrary Arrests and Police Violence Fail? What Will Macron Do When Arbitrary Arrests and Police Violence Fail?
Bypassing the National Assembly to force through his unpopular pension reform looked like a clever move—until it brought the French people back onto the streets.
Mar 27, 2023 / Harrison Stetler

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally Has What It’s Always Wanted: Institutional Power Marine Le Pen’s National Rally Has What It’s Always Wanted: Institutional Power
The National Rally may fashion itself a movement, but it prefers that the people remain passive.
Sep 29, 2022 / Harrison Stetler

France Rediscovers Parliamentary Politics France Rediscovers Parliamentary Politics
Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition would rather look for allies on the far right than on the left.
Jun 30, 2022 / Harrison Stetler

The Rank Opportunism of Emmanuel Macron The Rank Opportunism of Emmanuel Macron
How the French president stumbled into a legitimacy crisis.
Apr 19, 2022 / Harrison Stetler

The Face of the New French Right The Face of the New French Right
The pundit Éric Zemmour is leading a confident and radicalized conservative movement.
Nov 15, 2021 / Harrison Stetler

France’s Undocumented Migrants Are Fighting for Their Rights France’s Undocumented Migrants Are Fighting for Their Rights
In the face of Macron’s intensified repression, the sans-papiers are marching in the streets and organizing in the workplace.
Dec 31, 2019 / Harrison Stetler

The Far Right Is Tightening Its Grip on French Politics The Far Right Is Tightening Its Grip on French Politics
As extremist ideas enter the mainstream, “clash of civilizations” rhetoric is crowding out more nuanced approaches to the very real problem of terrorism.
Nov 1, 2019 / Harrison Stetler

France’s Yellow Vest Movement Comes of Age France’s Yellow Vest Movement Comes of Age
At its first “Assembly of Assemblies” in late January, this grassroots democratic revolt brought together many people who had never participated in politics.
Feb 5, 2019 / Harrison Stetler

Lyon, the Capital of a Europe in Crisis Lyon, the Capital of a Europe in Crisis
Last weekend, the three movements now redefining French politics converged in this regional hub.
Feb 10, 2017 / Harrison Stetler