Obama’s Chicago Fundraiser Targeted by Families Fighting Record Deportations Obama’s Chicago Fundraiser Targeted by Families Fighting Record Deportations
A dozen people were arrested today protesting the Obama administration’s continued detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants.
May 29, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill
The Senate Judiciary Committee moves the immigration bill to full debate—without LGBT inclusion.
May 22, 2013 / Aura Bogado

The First Couple’s Post-Racial Bootstraps Myth The First Couple’s Post-Racial Bootstraps Myth
Michelle and Barack Obama’s troubling advice to black graduates includes some seriously worn-out stereotypes.
May 21, 2013 / Aura Bogado

How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth? How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth?
A high court’s preliminary ruling indicates there is not rational basis for Governor Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny driver’s licenses for certain immigrants.
May 17, 2013 / Aura Bogado

While Congress Debates Immigration, Deportations Rage On While Congress Debates Immigration, Deportations Rage On
Advocates are pleading Obama to suspend the deportations of those who would gain status under a new immigration bill.
May 13, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention? Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention?
Two Guatemalan immigrants apparently commited suicide just two days apart at an Arizona detention center. Some are wondering if their deaths were hate crimes.
May 9, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Crossing the Mexican Border—in a Theater Crossing the Mexican Border—in a Theater
The interactive La Ruta dramatizes an experience that many immigrants know too well—and senators could learn from.
Apr 30, 2013 / Aura Bogado

No, Chuck Grassley, the Tsarnaev Brothers Were Not in the Shadows No, Chuck Grassley, the Tsarnaev Brothers Were Not in the Shadows
After Boston, are the Senate Judiciary Hearings on immigration actually helping us get closer to reform?
Apr 25, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Let’s Not Normalize This Thing Called ‘Terrorism’: A Conversation With Sohail Daulatzai Let’s Not Normalize This Thing Called ‘Terrorism’: A Conversation With Sohail Daulatzai
The way communities of color respond to the logic of antiterrorism can make us part of the problem—or the solution.
Apr 22, 2013 / Aura Bogado

The Senate’s Drone and Trigger-Happy Immigration Bill The Senate’s Drone and Trigger-Happy Immigration Bill
Legal permanent residency and eventual citizenship will be conditional on expanded border security—including the use of drones.
Apr 17, 2013 / Aura Bogado