Andrea Mazzarino

Andrea Mazzarino cofounded Brown University’s Costs of War Project. She is an activist and social worker interested in the health impacts of war, and coeditor, with Catherine Lutz, of War and Health: The Medical Consequences of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Myth of the ‘Perfect’ Military Family

The Myth of the ‘Perfect’ Military Family The Myth of the ‘Perfect’ Military Family

Veterans are much more diverse than the young, able-bodied, white, heterosexual stereotypes our political leaders prefer to highlight.

Mar 24, 2020 / Andrea Mazzarino

A woman in distress.

How to Cope With Government-Induced Stress How to Cope With Government-Induced Stress

Hobbies and self-care can help us feel in control against malicious and unpredictable governments.

Feb 7, 2020 / Andrea Mazzarino

What Never-Ending War Does to Kids

What Never-Ending War Does to Kids What Never-Ending War Does to Kids

In expanding the reach of its military involvement, the United States has left a generation of children traumatized. 

Dec 23, 2019 / Andrea Mazzarino

American troops on patrol in Afghanistan

The Trauma From Our War on Terror Will Linger Long After It Ends The Trauma From Our War on Terror Will Linger Long After It Ends

A cofounder of Brown University’s Costs of War Project writes on being a military spouse and a witness to the costs of war.

Nov 26, 2019 / Andrea Mazzarino
