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Ryan Is No Rand

Paul Ryan may claim to be a follower of the anti-government icon, but she would most likely despise him. 

Melissa Harris-Perry

August 20, 2012

Paul Ryan, like a college libertarian, claims to be a staunch follower of the anti-government icon Ayn Rand. But as a federal employee, who believes in limiting the rights of immigrants and women, he’d most likely be disowned by her. Nation columnist Melissa Harris-Perry explores the tensions between Ryan and Rand, with help from this article by Nation writer Ben Adler. 

—Max Rivlin-Nadler

Melissa Harris-PerryTwitterMelissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair and Professor in the Department of Politics and International Affairs and the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Wake Forest University. She is also the co-host of The Nation’s System Check podcast.

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