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Dick Cheney channels Nat King Cole in an unforgettable rendition of the meaning of the word "reprehensible."

Calvin Trillin

December 1, 2005

(Crooned to the tune of “Unforgettable,” that old Nat King Cole favorite, by Dick “Liar Liar Pants on Fire” Cheney)

Reprehensible–that word is for Charges we misled our folks to war. Like, despite the facts, I’d demagogue Atta’s meeting with Iraq in Prague. It still may have been. The facts are not in.

Reprehensible. It’s just a crime Saying that a liar is what I’m. Like, we talked of mushroom clouds to come From the tubes made of aluminum. For all that we knew, it might have been true.

Reprehensible! I’m just appalled At the sort of names we’re being called. Like we’d say they’d bought some yellowcake Even when we knew that tale was fake. Catching us is reprehensible too.

Calvin TrillinCalvin Trillin is The Nation’s “deadline poet.”

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