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Puzzle No. 3271

And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.

Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

February 5, 2013

Click HERE to download a printable PDF of this puzzle. And don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
 1 Use and reuse pieces of souvenir, eating deer perhaps? (14)
 9 Smash hits getting a mark like F (5)
10 Girlfriend returning near top-grade ego? (9)
11 English novelist is a monster, largely outspoken (8)
12 Movie theater featuring remake of Iceman (6)
14 Walker’s center on the football field? (5)
15 Shylock: “Look and listen, exchanging daughter for son initially” (4,5)
17 Declaration of guy with condition: broken toes (9)
19 By the borders of Edmonton, attempt a way in (5)
20 Quietly maintains street crews (6)
22 Star documentary filmmaker’s beach woes (8)
25 Insane monarch goes on: “Regret it if I read unevenly” (6,3)
26 Stack of paper covers large area (5)
27 Rain came unexpectedly and caught most of provincial artwork (8,6)  
 1 Drop in on the fifth, is it? (5)
 2 Brother, for instance, raised farm animals keeping the last bit of profit (no-good fink) (4,2,3)
 3 Academic beginning to score choral arrangement (7)
 4 Some paint is secure, coming from Krakow (4,6)
 5 Low sounds in vessel (4)
 6 Morose, I disturbed the people sharing my apartment (7)
 7 Employment in American corporation (5)
 8 He clutches chest—yes, that’s hogwash (8)
13 Part of the Democratic constituency: the bond between a woman and her Lamaze partner? (5,5)
14 Skip many years involving this writer’s starting point on the Internet (4,4)
16 Fatah reconsidered limiting tenure as a consequence (9)
18 Someone falsifying documents restricts a searcher… (7)
19 …therefore, manager with a degree goes in for trade stoppage (7)
21 Sound of engine’s victory over space (5)
23 Whole air-conditioning plant (5)
24 Wine and cheese at first make an essential nutrient (4)  
ACROSS 1, 13 & 23 triple anag. 6 N + ARC 9 A(B)IDE 10 W + ATERG (rev.) + ATE 12 anag. 15 MASS + MEDIA (aimed anag.) 17 “rime” (&lit.) 19 anag. 21 LAND + S + CAPE 25 “fee, gee” 27 MELODR + AMA (remold anag.) 28 IN + D(I)E 29 N + A + D.A. 30 FAT + HOM[e]LESS
DOWN 1 pun 2 SLIPUP (rev.) + S 3 hidden 4 NOW + IN 5 anag. 7 A(NARC)HY (hay anag.) 8 “choose” 11 REDCRO + SS (record anag.) 14 de-carb me rev. 16 letter bank 18 anag. 20 DID + D + LED 22 A + RIA + DNE (rev.) 23 anag. 24 hidden 26 FIR + M

Joshua Kosman and Henri PicciottoJoshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto are The Nation’s puzzlers. To read more about Kosman, click here. To read more about Picciotto, click here. Kosman and Picciotto explain what they’re up to in “Solving The Nation’s Cryptic Crosswords” (also available as a PDF). Check out The Nation’s Current Issue page each week for the latest puzzle.

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