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Postscript to Collier’s World War III

 Walter P. Reuther points out the shortcomings of Collier's World War III.

Walter P. Reuther

December 8, 1951

Comments By the Contributors

I wrote the article for the Collier’s issue, "Preview of the War We Do Not Want," after a conversation with the editor in charge of the project and after having read a precis of the editorial setting forth the purposes of the issue and the attitude of the editors I did not read any of the other contributions except Stuart Chase’s article until the magazine was published.

I was reluctant at first to do the article and raised specific questions as to the tone and effect of the whole issue. These questions were answered satisfactorily, both by the precis of the editorial and by the editor to whom I talked. I still believe that the aims and approach states in the editorial are sound ones, particularly its emphasis on the point that war is not inevitable and its firm opposition to a preventative war.

However, I must say in all honestly that the issue did not do what I expected it to, and I am forced to agree with many of the criticisms brought against it, including most of the points raised by Dr. Fleming in The Nation. The failure of Collier’s to achieve what I believe would have been a worthy purpose was due in part to the tone and content of some of the articles and in great measure to the terrifying and horrible scenes depicted in the art work accompanying the articles.

I hope that such criticisms of this issue of the magazine as those voiced by Dr. Fleming may stimulate enough discussion and clarification that some good may yet come from the project.

I believe the editors of Colliers had the best of intentions, and certainly it was my intention to contribute to the cause of world peace by participating in this special issue. I believe, however, that the issue fails of that objective and I sincerely regret that it does.

Walter P. Reuther

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