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How Did ACORN Become a Target?

Nation contributor Jeremy Scahill say that this witch-hunt against ACORN 'isn't really about upholding the law.'

The Rachel Maddow Show

September 28, 2009

Rachel Maddow fiercely takes on the Defund ACORN Act of 2009, which aims to cutoff all funds to ACORN for their misconduct and recently passed in both the House and the Senate with bipartisan support. Maddow points out that not only does this legislation violate Article 1 of the Constitution because it directly targets one specific group, but there are many other organizations who have done worse and gotten away with it. The Nation‘s Jeremy Scahill joins Maddow to discuss war contractors like Blackwater, who have been exposed for committing fraud and murder, and somehow continue to get lucrative government contracts. Scahill says that this witch-hunt against ACORN “isn’t really about upholding the law.” It is a calculated political move by Democrats and Republicans who are indebted to corrupt war contractors because of their hefty campaign donations.

Alana Levinson

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