Peace activism

Hawks for Withdrawal Hawks for Withdrawal

As centrist Democrats slowly but surely unite around a plan for military withdrawal from Iraq that is heavy with hawkish reasoning, what are the implications for the peace movement...

May 17, 2006 / Feature / Tom Hayden

Songs of Protest Songs of Protest

As the war in Iraq causes more devastation, courageous musicians are using song to move a nation.

Apr 27, 2006 / Books & the Arts / The Editors

When GI Joe Says No When GI Joe Says No

How can the peace movement draw more Iraq War veterans into its ranks? It can begin by understanding the socioeconomic realities of the all-volunteer military.

Apr 23, 2006 / Feature / Christian Parenti

William Sloane Coffin Jr. William Sloane Coffin Jr.

The Rev. William Sloane Coffin Jr. was one of the antiwar movement's most prophetic voices, a man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of peace and justice.

Apr 20, 2006 / Editorial / The Editors

They Should Have Hissed Barack Obama They Should Have Hissed Barack Obama

The war is coming home, in the form of people dreadfully wounded in body and spirit. Yet Democratic candidates aren't too worried about their hawkish stance, because the peace move...

Apr 6, 2006 / Beat the Devil / Alexander Cockburn

In the Path of a Storm, Vets Protest a War In the Path of a Storm, Vets Protest a War

Veterans of Iraq and Vietnam marched from Mobile to New Orleans to mark the third anniversary of the Iraq War, and to call attention to the Bush Administratrion's culture of incomp...

Mar 19, 2006 / Feature / Christian Parenti

Three Who Made a Revolution Three Who Made a Revolution

Rachel Carson, Betty Friedan and Jane Jacobs opened vast new possibilities for social transformation by writing about widespread attacks on nature, women and the poor.

Mar 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Rebecca Solnit

Bringing the War Home Bringing the War Home

The antiwar messages most likely to be heard and acted upon by Congressional Democrats and wavering Republicans will come from their hometowns, where a growing number of activists ...

Mar 9, 2006 / Editorial / John Nichols

Macho, Macho Militarism Macho, Macho Militarism

On this year's International Women's Day, antiwar feminists take note of how our society has become increasingly militarized as a cult of masculinity has tightened its grip on Amer...

Mar 7, 2006 / Feature / Cynthia Enloe

Corvallis Calls the Troops Home Corvallis Calls the Troops Home

The Corvallis City Council approved a resolution calling for American troops to come home from Iraq.

Mar 2, 2006 / Feature / Simon Maxwell Apter
