Susan Howe

Susan Howe is an American poet and critic.

Vagrancy in the Park

Vagrancy in the Park Vagrancy in the Park

The essence of Wallace Stevens: Roses, roses. Fable and dream. The pilgrim sun.

Oct 15, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Susan Howe

That This That This

That this book is a history of a shadow that is a shadow of me mystically one in another Another another to subserve      __ Day is a type when visible objects change then put on form but the anti-type That thing not shadowed      __ Is light anything like this stray pencil commonplace copy as to one aberrant onward-gliding mystery      __ A secular arrietta variation Grass angels perish in this harmonic collision because non-being cannot be "this"      __ Not spirit not space finite Not infinite to those fixed-- That this millstone as such Quiet which side on which--      __ That a solitary person bears witness to law in the ark to an altar of snow and every age or century for a day is      __ Is one mind put into another in us unknown to ourselves by going about among trees and fields in moonlight or in a garden to ease distance to fetch home spiritual things      __

Feb 25, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Susan Howe
